diumenge, 19 de març del 2017


Aina: What do you think about Girona?
-Girona, is a very nice old city with an University and Cathedral and I?ll rely like to see you from the river Onyar with these old houses, it's very famous for me.

Mireia: How long have you been in this city?
- In former times I've been here for many weeks and now I'm this week here for holidays, one week.

Aina: Did you go to "El Barri Vell"?
-Yes, you mean the old, barri vell is here, yes I went to the Cathedral and the Narrow Streets, they are very nice to look at.

-Mireia: Do you feel comfotable here in Girona?
-yes, yes it's not so compare to Barcelona. it's not so big, it's better and the people are very friendly here.

-Mireia: And what do you think about the cuisine in Girona?
-The what in Girona?
-Mireia: the cuisine
-cusine? May I look at, cuisine, a the kitchen, sorry, cooking, yes. Yes I like the meals here, food fish here and also the sweet, like xurros, they are very nice, I really like the cuisine here in Girona.

-Mireia: Have you ever been here before?
- Yes, the first time I was here, 20 years ago, and it was very interesting to look how changed, how much changed, the city in the last 20 years.

-Aina: Is Girona similar to your city?
-I come from Germany, from the city of Tubingen and Tubingen is so somehow to Girona,a lso one hundred thousand in habitants and old University, there's and old nucleus it's also similar.

-Mireia: Would you like to live here?
-Dificult, but maybe when I'm old and when I don't have to work anymor in Germany I could imagine to live here.

-Aina: Do you think it's a clean city?
-Not in all places, the center I think it's celan but some of the suburbs there are not so clean I think there are many dust and somehow it's not well arranged in the streets but i think the center is more or less clean.

-Mireia: What do you think it's the best season to visit Girona?
-Best reason to Girona?
-Mireia: Season
-season, season I like the spring, summer I think it's too hot but spring it's very nice to do excurcions, I like to do excursions I'm a photographer so I prefer the spring, spring time.

-Aina: What's your favourite bridge?
-Bridge, well, there are many bridges but this one is very nice to take pictures and so, well I prefer this so I passed this bridge now.

-Mireia: And do you know who designed the red bridge, this bridge?
-No i don't remember sorry

-Thank you for your time
-your welkome, and good luck for the rest of the day
- have a nice day!

here you are the interview:

diumenge, 12 de març del 2017

Jeremy Cowart

Jeremy starts as a painter first. Then he went in a college to study graphic design. Jeremy began taking pictures to bring texture into his design work but before, he realized that photography was his true passion. He founded his own graphic design company, Pixelgrazer, in 2001. In a relatively short amount of time, Jeremy won the respect of artists, photographers, and celebrities. Fot this reason he has taken pictures to a lot of celebrities and famous people and he travelled to six continents taken pictures too.

Resultat d'imatges de Jeremy Cowart

He also spends his time on community projects. In January 2010, after the devastating earthquake in Haiti, Jeremy responded with hisVoices of Haiti photo, letting the people of Haiti write their own thoughts and prayers. On that day, Jeremy’s “Voices of Haiti” project proved that art can help change the world because ten billion dollars were given to the efford.
He's pictures are original and so diferent at the same time, but he usually do photo shoots.

Uganda 2008Shirock

Sebastiao Salgado's exposition

Sebastiao Salgado is a famous photographer who have made an exposition at Caixaforum of Girona. It was interesting to went there and saw all the amazing pictures that he took in diferent situations, moments and places. It was curious to saw that he always took the pictures useing black and withe tecnic, but my favourite picture was this.

This was my favourite picture of the exposition because I really like feline animals and cheetahs are one of my favorite. When I saw it I can only though what wonderful it was. The way that this animal is looking at Salgado transmet a lot of feelings.

I think it would be so interesting to be at the place of this picture, with this animal and at the same time as Salgado, but it would be so scary too because this is a savage animal and you don't know how is going to react. 
Santiago was so luckly to found this animal and in this way take a magestic picture like this because as I said is a savage animal and you can not control them.

dilluns, 6 de març del 2017


HIGH ANGLE : Is when the camera looks down on the subject from a high angle and the point of focus often gets "swallowed up" this effect can make the subject seem vulnerable or powerless when applied with the correct mood, setting, and effects.

Resultat d'imatges de high angle

LOW ANGLE: Is a shot from a camera angle  positioned low on the vertical axis, anywhere below the eye line, looking up.The effect of the low-angle shot is that it makes the subject look strong and powerful. 
Resultat d'imatges de low angle

SLANTED ANGLE: This shows someone, an object or something from an unnatural point of view. This is usually used at films to show things that only the audience can see.

Imatge relacionada

EYE LEVEL SHOT:  Is the one which the camera is placed at the subject’s height, so if the actor is looking at the lens, he wouldn’t have to look up or down. Eyelevel shots are incredibly common because they are neutral. They often have no dramatic power, they are ideal for romantiuc, comedies and new castings.

AERIAL SHOT: Is a shot of a scene or photo taken from a higher vantage point than what is being filmed. This gives a greater understanding of what is happening in the scene as you get a 360 degree view

Resultat d'imatges de aerial shot

CLOSE UP SHOT: Is a type of shot, which tightly frames a person or an object. Close-ups are one of the standard shots used regularly with medium shots and long shots (cinematic techniques). Close-ups display the most detail, but they do not include the broader scene. Moving in to a close-up or away from a close-up is a common type of zooming.

LONG SHOT: Ttypically shows the entire object or human figure and is usually intended to place it in some relation to its surroundings. These are typically shot now using wide angle cameras.  However due to the sheer distance establishing shots and extreme wide shots can use almost any camera type.

MEDIUM SHOT; is a camera angle shot from a medium distance. Are favored in sequences where dialogues or a small group of people are acting, as they give the viewer a partial view of the background  and also show the subjects' facial expressions in the context of their body language.

WIDE SHOT: Includes a lot of visual information for the audience to 'set the scene'. The subject takes up the full frame, or at least as much as comfortably possible.

Resultat d'imatges de wide shot

TWO SHOT: Is a type of shot in which the frame encompasses a view of two people (the subjects). The subjects do not have to be next to each other, and there are many common two-shots which have one subject in the foreground and the other subject in the background. It is very useful if the film is about two people.

POINT OF VIEW: is a short film scene that shows what a character (the subject) is looking at (represented through the camera). It is usually established by being positioned between a shot of a character looking at something, and a shot showing the character's reaction (see shot reverse shot). 

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