diumenge, 15 d’octubre del 2017

opinion essay


A lot of people says if you don't know how to love an animal, you will not know how to love a person, having a pet can make you a better person, can make you be more responsable, etc. But wait if you want a dog, it's better to buy or adopt?

First of all you have to think if you will be able to provide a good life to this new friend, he/she will be a new member of you family, after that you may think "and we have to buy or adopt"?
Adopt it's the best way you can complet your family and at the same time you give a better life to a dog, you can help this dog not be afraid of people or believe he/she can be happy in a new home, because there are a lot of dogs living at the streets and with a horrible life so it's a good way to change that and help one of this poor souls.

Buying a dog you just will pay a lot of money and you will promote that poeple can continue giving up their dogs and it's not good to let people do that, for this reason and because the seller will just recive money doing bad things.

Another reason to adopt instead of buy it's because if there is a dog that have been in an animal shelter for a lot of time most of the times they kill the dog.
Adopting  a dog you are doing an amazing work and the adopted dogs are the gratefulest dogs in this world.

dimarts, 10 d’octubre del 2017

protest songs

We have to coment one of the three protest songs, I chose the second one called "Talkin' bout a revolution" by Tracy Chapman.

Tracy Chapman is an American singer-songwritter known for some of her hits, she was born in Cleveland on March 30ty of 1964 and she is still alive. I choose this song because it's stile is so similar to a lot of songs I had sing and transmit a lot of diferents emotions. The lyrics of this song talk about what they feel and what a Revolution is about, it's hard to imagine that a lot of people was in that situation but right now, this days in Catalonia we have passsed and still passing days of revolution because we want things ans the governament don't let us, so it's a good protest song for this days.